Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan
Dental Insurance and Dental Plans

The best way to ensure healthy teeth is through regular, preventative care. If you are like many people, you put off going to the dentist because you don’t have dental insurance and you think that it will cost you an arm and a leg without it. At Woodbridge Dental Services, we understand that, and have a solution for you. We are pleased to announce that we now offer our Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan to all our current and new patients who do not have dental insurance. The cost is $299 per year, and includes 2 free simple teeth cleanings, free dental exam and x-rays, and free fluoride treatment for kids, plus a 15% discount on most dental procedures. When you add it all up, this is a significant savings on your dental care. Additional family members can join as well, for only $199 each. With our Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan there are no claim forms, no deductibles, and no waiting period.
If you have questions about the Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan, or you would like to join, please give us a call at 949.502.3377.
Below are some frequently asked questions about our In House Dental Plan:
How do I sign up?
It’s easy! Just call or stop by our office to enroll. If you’re already coming in for an appointment, let us know if you would like to sign up and start saving!
Who is eligible?
Everyone is eligible: singles, families, and children. You, your spouse and your children can join Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan saving thousands of dollars. If you have a friend that might benefit from Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan, please share this offer!
How do I know what benefits are covered?
Free simple teeth cleanings (up to two per year)
Free complete dental exams (up to two per year)
Free x-rays once per year
Free fluoride treatment for kids
A 15% discount on most dental procedures
No waiting period
How do I schedule an appointment?
Call our office at 949.502.3377 and let us know that you want to join Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan. Convenient office hours are available... just ask for the appointment time that works best for you.
How do I pay for the QDP Plan?
You can pay for the Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan Plan with cash, check, money order or credit card.
What free services are included?
With Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan... you will receive two free dental exams, two free teeth cleanings, yearly x-rays and 15% discount on most dental services.
Is QDP an insurance plan?
No. Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan is not an insurance plan. It’s better! Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan is able to save you a significant amount of money by eliminating high monthly insurance premiums. With WDSHDP, there are no deductibles, no claim forms... no waiting for plan eligibility! Only pay for the services you need.
How long before my plan benefits begin?
There is no wait. Unlike some high priced insurance plans... you can use all of your Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan benefits immediately. Best of all...there is no maximum on benefits and your savings are unlimited.
Is Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan available to businesses?
Absolutely. In fact, employers can save thousands each year on health care costs by taking advantage of Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan benefits. The sign-up process is extremely easy and takes no time at all. Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan eliminates hassles and high administrative costs saving companies money.

In the News
New Approach to Dental Care
“Now, there's a new plan to help people without insurance get regular check-ups. It's called the Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan.”
– NBC News

“A solution to the dental crisis is to increase access to care by tearing down the barriers that prevent many from going to the dentist in the first place: mainly cost”
– Charleston Currents
Krista Johnson of Ashland, says the plan, which covers her, her husband and two children, is "great, you really save money. It's so much for the first person and you get the exam, cleaning and films — right there it (regular fees and insurance) cost more than that," she says.
– Daily Tidings
“…it is so imperative that Americans get to the dentists frequently, so that their dental problems can be resolved and treated in the earliest stages, when they are the most treatable. Furthermore, in these early stages, treatment is much more affordable. Woodbridge Dental Services In House Dental Plan is designed to do just this”
– Spare Change News
“Jennifer Tolan, a resident of St. Clair Shores, says she’s excited about the program because she’s only been working part-time for the past two years – and she hasn’t been to the dentist during that time.”
– The Macomb Daily