General Dentistry

How Does Sleep Apnea Affect My Oral and Overall Health?

Dec 12 • 1 minute read

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects many aspects of our lives. Knowing the ways sleep apnea affects our lives and our health will give us the upper hand in treating this potentially dangerous sleep disorder.

Keep reading to learn the ways in which sleep apnea affects both oral and overall health.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that cases the breath to repeatedly stop and start. This condition can be dangerous if breath is obstructed for long periods of time. Loud snoring is an indication of sleep apnea, because the airway is obstructed or collapsed and the breath is forcing itself through small passages. Sleep apnea causes patients to receive low quality sleep. Patients often wake up feeling tired.

This condition can be caused by the throat muscles over-relaxing due to the brain not sending proper signals to control breathing, or an obstruction in the air passage.

Overall Health Complications

There are numerous ways in which sleep apnea affects our bodies for the worse. For example, persistent daytime fatigue can make focusing at work or school difficult. Sleep apnea patients often experience high blood pressure or develop heart problems. This is because the sudden drops in blood oxygen levels but pressure and strain on the cardiovascular system.


Sleep apnea can cause bruxism, which is the medical term for teeth grinding. Teeth grind overnight in an effort to keep the throat muscles active and clear.

Bruxism damages teeth and the jaw joint. Restorations, like crowns and bridges, are at an increased risk of falling out. Years of teeth grinding can wear down teeth and give them a significantly smaller appearance.

Dentists are skilled in making appliances that properly align the jaw so patients get better quality sleep. Consider speaking with your dentist if you or a loved one are affected by sleep apnea. If you suspect that yourself or a partner may have sleep apnea, please feel free to call our office. At Woodbridge Dental Services, we offer sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment. Our sleep apnea oral appliances are highly effective. We look forward to hearing from you!

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